25 Mar A handbook for saving energy together
GEAR@SME guides through the process of supporting SMEs’ energy efficiency
Interview with WP leader Ingrid Nyström, Sweden
Six months into the project – what are you and your team working on right now?
The WP partners in Romania, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden are collectively developing a handbook for an integrated GEAR@SME methodology, which will be completed by the end of April.
Who will benefit from this handbook?
The handbook is designed to be helpful to any organization reaching out to support SMEs in their energy efficiency work. In the handbook, the relevant target groups are described as Trusted Partners, Multiplier Organizations and Energy Service Suppliers. In the long-run, the approach aims at benefitting both SMEs and society.
The GEAR@SME project is aiming at a collective approach where SMEs, typically located in close proximity of each other, for example in the same industrial area or business park, are supported to become more energy efficient and sustainable. Using the handbook, stakeholders will be guided through the process of, e.g., supporting SMEs in their energy efficiency work, developing a collective approach and following up on results.
When will it be available?
It will be published and available for free from the GEAR@SME website later this spring.