04 Jul Get to know the GEAR@SME partners! Servelect plays an active role in the SME transformation
What kind of company is Servelect?
Andrei Ceclan: “ It is an engineering and energy service company involved in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources for industry, buildings and local communities.”
Why does Servelect participate at GEAR@SME?
“Servelect wants to play an active role in the SMEs transformation within the current energy transition towards prosumers, energy communities and passing from passive consumers to active market players in the energy market.”
What is the role of Servelect in the GEAR@SME project?
“Servelect’s main part in the project is to fulfill the role as the use case leader in Romania, conducting relevant activities together with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, and to coordinate overall pilot activities. Besides this, the team was actively involved in the common methodology definition, adaptability of the energy evaluation tools and overall dissemination and communication of the project activities and results.”
How do you like the project so far?
“As a close project supporter for the Servelect team I like their active involvement in the relation with the engaged SMEs from different industrial parks. I have learned a clear pathway with practical procedures to involve the SMEs and change their behaviour and action towards implementing energy efficiency and RES. I gained new insights especially from the general physical meetings, where all the participants in the consortium are providing their perspectives and feedback.”
What have you already achieved and what are your next goals in the project?
“Servelect together with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, engaged several key actors within the use case in Romania: Trusted Partner, SMEs interested in energy efficiency, associations and other key stakeholders interested in GEAR@SME project. Besides this, the team offered energy scans, and relevant networking and training opportunities for the involved actors to empower them on the pathway towards an active energy collective. The team aims to enhance motivation and to further exploit the collective approach applied by the project’s vision in multiple use cases, including potential Trusted Partners.”